Justbeenpaid atau Justbeenpaid.com adalah situs bisnis dan peluang income Online yang didirikan oleh Seorang entrepreneur dan Internet Marketer Papan atas Amerika bernama Frederick Mann yang telah sukses menghasilkan uang secara online sejak 1997.
Justbeenpaid.com pada awalnya bernama "buildfreedom.com" dan seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, website buildfreedom.com terus berkembang dan semakin populer di Amerika Serikat.
Pada tahun 2004 Frederick Mann yang juga penulis sebuah buku “The economic rape of Amerika”.ini memutuskan untuk memfokuskan buildfreedom.com dibidang Training dan semua hal yang berhubungan dengan Internet Marketing, kemudian memindah Website Penghasil $$$ ini ke domain baru yaitu "Justbeenpaid.com". dalam perjalanannya, bisnis Justbeenpaid terus berkembang dengan berbagai inovasi terbarunya, dan Justbeenpaid makin populer di Indonesia sejak 17 Februari 2011 bersamaan dengan Boomingnya sebuah konsep bisnis sempurna bernama jsstripler.
Justbeenpaid bergerak dibidang advertising online untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada banyak individu untuk berpartisipasi di peluang bisnis Justbeenpaid. Revenue Sharing Program, dengan salah satu produknya advertising credit merupakan program yang memberi imbal balik tinggi (high yield program) dengan dasar pembagian keuntungan atas penjualan produk advertising mereka.
Dalam bisnis di justbeenpaid bagi hasil berdasarkan pada pembagian keuntungan melalui bentuk saham/posisi. Atau dengan kata lain just been paid menawarkan anda bagian dari pendapatan iklan, karena anda telah membeli posisi dan posisi disini anda itu membeli sejumlah advertising kredit. Pendapatan jbp yang membantu administrasi mereka berasal dari upgrade member dan produk training program, juga dari withdrawal fee (biaya penarikan).
Dalam Justbeenpaid sendiri ada 4 program yang ditawarkan adalah JSS Sinergy Surf, JSS warp, JSS Booster dan JSS Tripler termasuk program Restart Feature. JSS Tripler adalah progam terbaru dari JustBeenPaid dan paling banyak peminatnya.
Program bisnis Justbeenpaid yang sedang berjalan ada 2, yakni JSS Tripler dan JSS Traffic Exchange (Matrix). Kedua program ini saling bersinergi dan ditambah sistem program RSF atau Restart Feature yang menjadikan justbeenpaid indefinitely sustainable (dipastikan berkelanjutan).
- Menyediakan sarana untuk '98%' (yang biasanya dilakukan orang-orang yang berjuang untuk mencetak uang secara online), dengan cara-cara termudah dan paling dapat diandalkan dalam memperoleh uang secara online.
- Menyediakan program penghasil uang yang memungkinkan para peserta untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengelola uangnya.
- Menyediakan produk dan layanan yang memungkinkan anggota untuk mengubah diri mereka menjadi 'performa yang lebih tinggi', menjadi 10 - 100 kali lipat sebagai ahli, efektif dan sukses di semua bidang kehidupan mereka.
Justbeenpaid memiliki beberapa sumber pemasukan keuangan antara lain:
- BP Admin's JSS - Tripler account;
- Advertising Sales;
- JBP1 (The Big Success Breakthrough);
- JBP2 (Killer Success Tricks);
- JBP3 (More Killer Success Tricks);
- JSS – Warp;
- JSS – Booster;
- JBP's Synergy Surf (JSS);
- Sale of referrals;
- Other income streams to be developed (including "Project Certo Power").
- Dan banyak lagi sumber pemasukkan JSS Tripler yang lainnya.
Sumber http://blog.justbeenpaid.com
Sumber pemasukkan Justbeenpaid, mayoritas di Dominasi dari produk-produk internet marketing berkualitas yang banyak dicari audience secara global. Di Amerika Serikat, FREDERICK MANN adalah Most Wanted Internet Marketer. Dimana dalam setiap tulisannya, produk, karya dan program membershipnya yang dirancang dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun sangat laku dipasaran.
Dari semua program yang dikelola Frederick Mann lah pemasukkan didapat untuk di re-share. Untuk sebuah bisnis yang sangat terkenal dan di minati orang seluruh dunia, sangatlah mudah untuk memberikan profit harian kepada anda.
2% perhari selama 81 hari = 150%
Dimana 150% = 100% Modal + 50% Fee
Itu artinya selama 81 hari (2,5 bulan) anda mendapatkan profit bersih 50% dari Modal.
Jadi kalau di hitung-hitung anda dapat profit fix bersih 20% perbulannya.
Untuk sebuah bisnis yang sangat booming dan digemari, angka 20% perbulan adalah sebuah angka yang sangat wajar dan mudah kita dapatkan.
Untuk mengetahui kehebatan dan ketenaran FREDERICK MANN, Silakan Anda search di Google menggunakan satu keyword; "Frederick Mann".
Anda akan menemukan hasilnya, yang sangat mengejutkan! Lebih dari 50 juta situs merekomendasikan namanya di Google.com.
Patrick Bielen
Susan Reede is our Support Manager. Susan has worked online as a Support Manager since 2003. She has also been involved in MLM both online and offline over the last 11 years. Her personal expertise is providing people with the information they need to help them make their experience with JustBeenPaid! successful and stress-free.Harve HeathHarve Heath is our Media Design Consultant
Harve has over 20 years experience in corporate marketing, management, media design, photography (video styling), graphic layout and page design.
"Marketability of a venue is one of its key features that I always consider before getting involved with any venture If the program involves selling a product, service or program will people buy it? How do you know what people are buying?
Well, it's quite simple. If the business has been running for a while then people are still buying the product. If you buy something or, you are successful in a venue and feel good about it, then the chances are damn high that there will be a lot more people that will feel just as good as you did about this product or venue.
The JustBeenPaid! program is one of the simplest programs available anywhere on the internet. That is why I am here. Fluff and hype are not for me!"
Team Pengelola JustbeenPaid :
Frederick Mann.
Frederick Mann.
I'm the main designer of JustBeenPaid! (JBP) and I'm glad to be able to provide you with the means to become a Successful Online Moneymaker!
I've been earning a fulltime online income since 1997. Over the years, I've been very aware of how some people struggle to make money online. I've put a great deal of thought into what could be done to make it as easy as possible for people to earn online.
JustBeenPaid! -- particularly its "subprogram" JSS-Tripler -- is a great breakthrough in that it makes the "road to success" as short as possible. You don't have to sponsor people to make money. However if you do sponsor people you can earn a great deal more.
Some of our members -- our top earners -- have already earned over $100,000 -- see our Blog.
My greatest achievement is finding a way to make a high-return program indefinitely sustainable.
Over the years, there have been thousands of high-return programs. Typically there fate has been that at some point the program owners "run with the money" and the program disappears. Members then lose whatever they had in the program before it disappears. As far as I know, I'm the only one who has solved this problem.
JBP provides extensive training in the form of daily webinars where you can interact with experienced members and get your questions answered.
You currently operate at a certain level of competence. You can study and apply our products -- "Upgrade Your Brain," "The Big Success Breakthrough," and "Killer Success Tricks" -- to raise your level of competence. This will increase your degree of success and enable you to earn more money. Just take your next step... and Your Success is GUARANTEED!
Carl PearsonCarl Pearson is our Sales, Marketing, System Design and Implementation Consultant
Carl is mainly responsible for Computer, Website, and Data Processing Systems, Customer Support and Relations, and overseeing Marketing and Sales.
He has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maine, and an M.S. in Systems Management from the University of Southern California.
Carl has over 20 years' experience as a Business Manager, I.T. Systems Designer, Marketing Specialist, MLM Expert, and in hiring, training, supervising, and compensating employees. Carl says:
JustBeenPaid! -- particularly its "subprogram" JSS-Tripler -- is a great breakthrough in that it makes the "road to success" as short as possible. You don't have to sponsor people to make money. However if you do sponsor people you can earn a great deal more.
Some of our members -- our top earners -- have already earned over $100,000 -- see our Blog.
My greatest achievement is finding a way to make a high-return program indefinitely sustainable.
Over the years, there have been thousands of high-return programs. Typically there fate has been that at some point the program owners "run with the money" and the program disappears. Members then lose whatever they had in the program before it disappears. As far as I know, I'm the only one who has solved this problem.
JBP provides extensive training in the form of daily webinars where you can interact with experienced members and get your questions answered.
You currently operate at a certain level of competence. You can study and apply our products -- "Upgrade Your Brain," "The Big Success Breakthrough," and "Killer Success Tricks" -- to raise your level of competence. This will increase your degree of success and enable you to earn more money. Just take your next step... and Your Success is GUARANTEED!
Carl PearsonCarl Pearson is our Sales, Marketing, System Design and Implementation Consultant
Carl is mainly responsible for Computer, Website, and Data Processing Systems, Customer Support and Relations, and overseeing Marketing and Sales.
He has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maine, and an M.S. in Systems Management from the University of Southern California.
Carl has over 20 years' experience as a Business Manager, I.T. Systems Designer, Marketing Specialist, MLM Expert, and in hiring, training, supervising, and compensating employees. Carl says:
"As a money-making program owner myself, I've always been highly interested in coming up with simple ways for anyone to succeed in a program. Since 2002, I have been an MLMer, designing more than 10 programs myself and participating in hundreds of others. With the addition of years of sales training from highly skilled and experienced mentors, my expertise is being put to full use at JustBeenPaid!"
Patrick BielenPatrick Bielen is responsible for Computer, Website, Web-development and Database-management. Patrick is an Information Technology professional (mainly education, problem-solving, bug-hunting and programming) with 29 years of IT experience and 15 years of MLM experience in various MLM compensation-plans.
His personal expertise is helping people out, or provide them with the most accurate, valuable and correct information.Patrick Bielen
Susan Reede is our Support Manager. Susan has worked online as a Support Manager since 2003. She has also been involved in MLM both online and offline over the last 11 years. Her personal expertise is providing people with the information they need to help them make their experience with JustBeenPaid! successful and stress-free.Harve HeathHarve Heath is our Media Design Consultant
Harve has over 20 years experience in corporate marketing, management, media design, photography (video styling), graphic layout and page design.
"Marketability of a venue is one of its key features that I always consider before getting involved with any venture If the program involves selling a product, service or program will people buy it? How do you know what people are buying?
Well, it's quite simple. If the business has been running for a while then people are still buying the product. If you buy something or, you are successful in a venue and feel good about it, then the chances are damn high that there will be a lot more people that will feel just as good as you did about this product or venue.
The JustBeenPaid! program is one of the simplest programs available anywhere on the internet. That is why I am here. Fluff and hype are not for me!"
Nama dan Alamat Perusahaan Jusstbeenpaid
- Admin Name : Frederick Mann
- Admin Organisation : Bigbooster Ltd.
- Admin Street : Private Bag X12 Suite 88
- Admin City : Roosevelt Park
- Admin State / Province : Gauteng
- Admin Postal - Code : 2129
- Admin Country : ZA
- Admin Phone : +27.6026040081
- Admin Fax : +27.6026040081
- Admin Email : tech@bigbooster.com
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